Dec 8, 2022

Lack of commitment to vehicle maintenance is one of the factors that contribute to traffic accidents. And much damage has been done as a result. Consequently, you shouldn’t treat it lightly. Engine maintenance is a crucial component of vehicle maintenance. It is the procedure of routinely inspecting an automobile engine’s parts. and carrying out the required maintenance to maintain the engine in a usable state.

Various Engine Maintenance Methods

Despite serving the same function, not all machines are created equal. There are several ways that certain machines might fail. They thus need a variety of maintenance techniques. There are six different types of engine maintenance techniques, each with advantages and disadvantages. They consist of:

  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Maintenance in advance
  • Run-to-failure reactive maintenance
  • Preventing future problems
  • Remedial maintenance
  • Condition-based upkeep

You should be knowledgeable with engine upgrades and maintenance if you own an automobile. But if you’re not, then take note of these eight engine maintenance advices:

Check The Cooling System Frequently

One of the most important parts of the automobile is the cooling system. To maintain a constant temperature, it circulates coolant from the radiator through the engine. The engine suffers serious damage from a malfunctioning cooling system. Consequently, you must be aware of certain warning indications of a failing cooling system in order to avert serious engine issues. They do;

  • Engine Overheating Poor Quality Coolant Coolant Leak
  • Engine-seized Warning Lights
  • low amount of fluid

When you start seeing these symptoms, it’s an indication that your cooling system has to be fixed in order to avoid a complete engine failure.

At the appropriate time, replace the engine oil.

Your car’s performance is improved by lubrication. There is little tension involved in this simple treatment. The engine’s durability is increased by good, new oil, but with time, it degrades and loses its lubricating abilities. For this reason, it must be changed at regular intervals.

Your engine may display a few typical symptoms when it needs fresh engine oil. And if you want to maintain your engine in excellent condition, it’s crucial to pay attention to them. They consist of;

  • Unusual Engine Noise
  • Deep Oil
  • Excessive Mileage
  • Smoke Exhaust
  • burning odor
  • Keep an eye out for leaks

Oil spills may be caused by several things. It may be simple to disregard a few oil stains on your engine, but doing so is unwise. Small oil spills if unattended have the potential to become larger issues for both vehicles and pedestrians. among the reasons for oil spills are;

  • A faulty Gasket
  • Unfastened filler cap
  • A lot of oil
  • A clogged filter
  • To avoid a dangerous scenario, go to a repair shop as soon as you notice an oil leak and get it fixed.
  • When necessary, clean your vehicle’s engine.

Similar to how people cannot survive without oxygen, automobiles cannot run without an engine. You must change your engine oil with brand-new, clean oil, as was previously instructed. Additionally, you should always clean your engine. The engine should be cleaned often to prevent issues from developing.

The use of an engine cleaning is recommended every 3,000 to 8,000 miles by several auto dealers. On the other hand, you may clean newer engines after 35,000 kilometers.

Check Your Belt Thoroughly

The timing belt, which is made of rubber, opens and shuts the engine valves in time with the pistons. It serves as a timing chain’s contemporary substitute. Rubber belts are required while the engine is running to keep everything in line. Always examine for cracks or worn-out appearances in your belt and replace it right away. Otherwise, the engine components may suffer significant damage if the belt were to be severed while the engine was running.

Don’t continue using reserve fuel.

It is risky to operate a vehicle on reserve gasoline. If anything goes wrong, it might result in expensive upkeep. Here are some further repercussions associated with it:

  • You may get anxious and make errors sometimes.
  • puts you in risk
  • harms the engine
  • If your automobile is a contemporary one, it may not be able to manage it. Modern automobiles are susceptible to stress and have a low threshold for problems.
  • The gasoline pump is harmed. The fuel pumps are lubricated by the gasoline. Therefore, the pump has nothing to depend on if the gasoline is used up until it dries.
  • Replace the burnt wires and spark plugs.
  • The electrical energy produced by spark plugs provides the combustion required to start a car. They are built with a high degree of durability in mind. Spark plugs should typically be changed every 80,000 to 100,000 kilometers.

Here are several indicators that it’s time to replace your spark plug:

  • Engines sputter.
  • Your gasoline use increases above normal.
  • Speed increases more slowly.
  • Irregular vehicle launching
  • Your vehicle’s engine roars

These indicate that it’s time to change your spark plugs. An engine cannot operate properly if wires are burned. Change them entirely rather than patching them up.

Replace your fuel filter.

A gasoline filter cleans the fuel of any impurities. It has an oil filter-like quality. Your gasoline filter should be changed every 30,000 miles, or every two years. The following are some typical indicators that it’s time to replace your gasoline filter:

  • Loud, unpleasant sounds coming from the gasoline pump
  • Misfire
  • Starting the car gets more challenging.
  • A part of the fuel system malfunctions.


Following these maintenance recommendations will prolong the useful life of your engine, lower your maintenance expenses, and help you avoid car accidents. Visit a Ford vehicle repair facility right away if you discover any engine issues. Additionally, Mike Patton Ford is a good place to buy new or used Ford vehicles. Our Ford products and services are top-notch. Check out our selection of Ford vehicles to get started.